Forgiveness . . .

—From EF— Forgiveness. When you let the word come unglued, as all words do if you stare at them for a while, if becomes “for give-ness.” What a lovely concept, give-ness. In a Facebook correspondence with one of my favorite authors, Rene Denfeld, she asked what the...

How It Changes . . .

The first showing of our new show Survival was a couple of months ago, with two weekends of “previews” three weeks ago and first “regular” performance in about a month. For creation of new theatre pieces—whether for Broadway or for a house concert in Sebastopol—that’s...

Day Journals . . .

—From EF— Day-journals are a fascinating thing to look back on, especially at the close of the year. For the last twenty years, I have used a home-made loose-leaf format, photocopying six-hole notebook pages with my own hand-written layout. Lines divide each page into...

Opinions . . .

—From CB— I often think I’m deficient in opinions. True, I spout off in response to the nightly news, and I’m pretty judgmental on anything I see as grotesquely cruel and stupid. But I don’t feel the need to wave the flag or claim an identity. I only find “identity”...

Survival . . .

—From EF— Hello again, back after a hiatus for blogsite renovation. It’s been a stressful period, not only the digital hassles of redesigning the blog but also preparing for and doing the first four local previews of our new piece, Survival. I’m the designated digital...

Our Blogsite . . .

Friends— You may be among the multitude who await our weekly blog posts, wondering at our missing a post this past week. No, we haven’t fled the country or run out of words. We’ve been renovating. You’ll notice that has new features. Besides the weekly...

The Perpetual Process. . .

—From EF— We’re “log-rolling” our new piece, Survival. The logs are in the river, yes, but they need to get lined up in the right direction so they flow easily down-river. I’ve got two wonderful characters, Lou and Bozo, and love them both. They each have chunks of...

Generations. . .

—From EF— Seventh Generation. If you Google this, you get the following (assume each is preceded by the phrase Seventh Generation): —diapers, laundry detergent, wipes, dish soap, coupons, dishwasher detergent, pads, hand soap refill, tampons— I have been for some time...

Webwork. . .

—From EF— It was great going back up to Arcata last week, seeing people whom we dearly love and seldom see. We have some other friends wandering up from Topanga Canyon shortly who will stay over with us a night, and that will be great. We have a daughter who lives in...

Fire & Stuff. . .

—From EF— A roller-coaster weekend, heading to and from a puppet slam in Arcata. Our Sebastopol home didn’t seem to be under active threat on Friday, so we entrusted our cat-care essentials to our neighbor (thanks, Lisa!) and headed north at noon. We hadn’t been...