Comedy Tonight . . .

—CB— This week we had two performances of Survival, Elizabeth’s solo show. Both had wonderfully responsive audiences, 20-25 people at each. One was for an elder-housing complex, the other a house concert mainly drawn from the poetry community. These were the tenth and...

How It Changes . . .

The first showing of our new show Survival was a couple of months ago, with two weekends of “previews” three weeks ago and first “regular” performance in about a month. For creation of new theatre pieces—whether for Broadway or for a house concert in Sebastopol—that’s...

Survival . . .

—From EF— Hello again, back after a hiatus for blogsite renovation. It’s been a stressful period, not only the digital hassles of redesigning the blog but also preparing for and doing the first four local previews of our new piece, Survival. I’m the designated digital...