Feb 9, 2015 | Uncategorized
— From EF — The Goldberg Infundibulum. Or, if you prefer, the Chronosynclastic Variations. There are times when I’m going along, minding my own business, and suddenly a word or a phrase comes leaping down from a low-hanging branch and snarls all its paws in my hair. I...
Feb 2, 2015 | Uncategorized
— From the Fool — My friend Luce said she really liked what I wrote last week, I think because I mentioned her dog. “You oughta get your stuff published,” she said, “There’s a lotta wisdom in there.” I never thought about that. I...
Jan 11, 2015 | Uncategorized
— From EF — A friend of a dear friend is doing studies in creativity for the use of young artists just entering their life-path. The previous one was about achieving creative longevity; the new one considers the process of decision-makings. She gets responses to a...
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