Sep 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
—From CB— I like things to be over and done with. And get very grouchy when things go on and on and on. That was an advantage of our theatre work: there’s a point when it opens, a point when you put it to bed. Even if you love it, even if you have it in touring...
Jan 21, 2019 | Uncategorized
—From CB— Today I make a formal announcement of my insanity. I’m nearly halfway through a reading of ORLANDO FURIOSO. For the unenlightened: it’s Ariosto’s 16th century Italian epic, replete with jousts, beheadings, enchanted castles, virgins in jeopardy, evil queens,...
Dec 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
—From CB— I’m in several Facebook writers’ groups. There tend to be vast scrawls of graffiti assailing others for idiocy or deeper crimes, and one wonders if masterpieces might emerge if only the writers applied their creativity to something other than converting a...
Jul 16, 2018 | Spirituality
—From EF— I’ve crossed over. New experience, again. When we’re writing for the stage, or writing a novel, I participate in the creation, sometimes by co-creating structure, sometimes by providing verbal improvisation to develop character or story, and always in...
Jul 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
—From CB— Two experiences this week bring forth thoughts of how we perceive so-called reality. The first, starting prep for work on the 3rd draft of a new novel MASKS; the second, taking our cats to the vet. The second first: just a routine trip for a standard round...
Feb 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
—CB— I’ve never spent a lot of time asking myself about “my purpose in life.” One does, of course, in writing your college admissions essay, but after that it’s catch as catch can. There’s your mission statement for your theatre company, dozens of grant applications...
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