Welcome to our blog. It’s a companion to the website of The Independent Eye, our theatre ensemble now in its 43rd season. That’s a huge site featuring our plays, our productions, a ton of photos, a complete on-line archive of our radio series Hitchhiking off the Map, a year-by-year history, many of our original playscripts, and much else besides. When you have time to explore, visit.

This site is more personal, chronicling what we’re doing and thinking and writing right now. Besides being theatre-makers, we’re human beings and have other voices inside us besides those heard from the stage—and now we’re writing fiction. We have our light moments, our very dark ones, and, like many of our friends, we ride a slippery spectrum between doom and hope.

We met and mated as undergraduates in 1960 and have spent our lives as co-creators—professionally since 1971. We write jointly and both perform. He’s the director, designer and puppet sculptor; she’s the composer, techie, accountant and cook.

We’ve lived in Chicago, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Palo Alto, Columbia SC, and Lancaster PA, and we’ve performed on tour in 35 states plus Canada and Jerusalem. We’ve created more than 60 plays for our own ensemble as well as about three dozen other theatres, plus public radio series, puppetry, and videos. We have two grown kids, one in San Francisco, one in Italy—our closest friends.  Most of our creative lives have been devoted to exploring how people working collaboratively can make fine things.

The whole story, or a goodly portion of it, is in our memoir, Co-Creation: Fifty Years in the Making.

—Conrad Bishop & Elizabeth Fuller

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