Certainty . . .

—From CB— Facebook is fun. Apart from its many flaws, you learn things about your friends you’d never know. In the current crisis, I’ve learned this: The virus is real, it’s a global threat, the only hope is strict isolation. It’s no worse than seasonal flu. It’s a...

Mother’s Day

—From EF— It’s Mother’s Day, but which mother? I had a mother; three of them, in fact. I have a son and a daughter, so I am also a mother. The mother who gave me life could not keep me. The mother who raised me was childless. The person who gave me a...

Lost Love?

—From CB—  Hearing a country ballad about lost love, I say no, that’s you, that’s not me. I respect your tears and your wailing heart, but I’ve lived a different light. I’ve lived with one woman, losing and losing, finding and finding again. We found love in the cold...

Beltane . . .

—From EF— In a week, Beltane is coming, whether we like it or not. The sap of spring is running full, the blossoms are bursting, the bees are busy (thank you!) and the weeds are at eye level. We are sheltering in place, but Gaia is relentless in connecting us all....

Conspiracy . . .

—From CB— Not intending the following to deprecate all conspiracy theories—only the Total Absolute Certainty with which so many of those are stated. You may be dead right, but in my humble opinion, hours of googling videos on the Web does not constitute “research.”...

The Salt of Sorrow . . .

—From EF— I came in from my eight o’clock howl feeling, as usual, connected and purged. It’s a ritual not often honored in our contemporary lifestyle, to throw back your head and let pure sound come out, and the experience of hearing fellow humans from...

Who’s Responsible?

—From CB— A friend posed a serious Facebook question: Is God involved with suffering? My friend is an atheist, I’m a Neopagan/Unitarian/Quaker/Atheist with a statue of Dionysus on my altar—though neither of us being intrinsically anti-Christian. He asked for serious...

Touch . . .

—From EF— Stay connected. Stay six feet apart. Stay at home. But stay connected. Say what?!!! I don’t think we have ever before, within my 80 years of memory, needed the solace of touch more. I get up earlier, Conrad somewhat after, but for years and years the...

Leadership . . .

—From the Damned Fool— As part of its economic stimulus package in addressing COVID-19, the Administration is reported to be including an additional trillion dollars to arm the U.S. population. It would underwrite the mandatory purchase of a handgun, rifle, or...

Realists . . .

—From EF— Is laughter is the only sane response? I’m seeing heartfelt pleas for sanity in the face of the virus from officials who know, and from people in Europe who know, and from patients in US hospitals who know. And then I see the stuff spewing out of Fox...